Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 1: First leg from Raleigh to DC

Up at 3:00 AM!!! Jim and Ann Dotson came to pick me up while shuttling their sweet daughter Hillary to RDU. So at 3:45 I kissed my lovely wife (who I am already missing) and said “goodbye” to Charlie, my yellow Lab who just can’t seem to understand why I was not feeding him breakfast at this early hour. Met the rest of the team at RDU at 4:10. They were amazingly chipper. 

Our first flight was on a Q400 Turbo PROP plane. The largest propeller plane I have ever seen! And flys! (Though I think “400” stands for how many feet it flys above the ground.) In flight, Sam, Eric, Lou and Taylor all conked out. Hillary and Sarah (who says she’s ‘not a morning person’) gabbed the whole way to Washington DC, Dulles. Poor Courtney Williams was the only team member to get a lone to a balding businessman. Guess that’s what happens when your group has an odd number and your last name starts with a “W”.

The bumpy turbo prop flight, in tropical storm induced rains made me reflect on the goodness of God’s promises as I read Psalm 33:18
“The Eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love.” Hopeful for spotting His good blessings on this trip.
Sarah and Hillary, gab-meisters!

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