Friday, June 7, 2013

Saturday Morning from Addis Ababa

Blog Entry from Addis Ababa Airport (Taylor)

Before we boarded the plane for Ethiopia, Patrick led us in a devotion of Philippians 2:1-11.  One take away for me was the reminder that Jesus did nothing out of selfish ambition but everything for the glory of God the Father so that he might be exalted to the highest place.  So also are we to glorify God by being like-minded and being one in spirit and in purpose - because this makes God's joy complete.  This means laying aside our needs to serve the needs of others . . . easier said than done . . . especially when you're tired and hungry and in need of a shower and a toothbrush!  Prayers that the Holy Spirit would unite us in spirit and in purpose as a team and as a partnership with our brothers and sisters in Rwanda are much appreciated. 
About the flight . . . It didn’t feel that long.  Most of us were able to get a decent amount of rest . . . Others continued gabbing ;-)  But the Lord sustains and strengthens.  There was enough leg room to not make the ride feel cramped and the adjustable foot rests made all the difference!  Always see the blessings :-)  The coolest part about the plane was the lack of window shades which were replaced with dimmers controlled by the flight crew to make the plane feel as though it was night time even though it was broad daylight outside.  This really helped the adjustment to RWANDA TIME!  

As I’m writing this blog a friendly couple in Addis Ababa has approached our group and we just found out that the gentleman spends lots of time in Brevard, NC!!  Of course I had to share some sweet memories of my precious grandparents and mom who hails from Brevard.  :-) 

We will be boarding our last flight in about an hour so I will be signing out for now . . . Until our next blog post - Imana Ibana nawe (God be with you)


  1. I can't wait to hear more!!! Miss you guys!!

  2. Taylor, thank you for your beautiful words and heart as you focus on God, and see His blessings. You are all - and each - such an encouragement to us, and I know you will be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in the Gikomero Parish. I look forward to more posts!!
